

Wang Yongfei's application for correcting


Dear party organization:

December 18, 2017 is an unforgettable day for me. After the approval of the party organization, I became a probationary member of the Communist Party of China. During the university period, from the initial application to the party to become a probationary member, I know that as a member of the Communist Party of China, we must study the advanced ideological theories of the Communist Party of China and implement it into our own learning life. Now, stepping into the community, I became a member of the Zeshi Supply Chain Group. Under the leadership of the company's party branch, from the beginning of the workplace to the firm dream, I understand that the accumulation of the student era is a better way to work in the future, benefiting from the leadership and inspiration of the company's party branch, I have in many ways. Significant progress. According to the provisions of Article 7 of the first chapter of the "Party Constitution", the preparatory period for the probationary party members is one year. Therefore, I solemnly filed a rectification application with the party organization. In order to facilitate the party organization to examine itself, I am now in my own year. The following reports are made to the organization on thought, work, study, and living conditions:

First, the ideological aspect

As a probationary member, I am more active in studying the party's advanced thinking. In practice, I continue to practice "two studies and one work", learn party constitutions, learn a series of speeches, and become qualified party members. At this stage, Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the latest achievement of Marxism in China. It is China's Marxism in the 21st century. It provides a guide and thought for the unity of our party and the people of all nationalities in China to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. arms. Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhering to dialectical materialism and historical materialism, inheriting and carrying forward the essence of Marxist theory, realizing a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism, and demonstrating the vitality and vitality of contemporary Chinese Marxism. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "As a Marxist ruling party, our party must not only have a strong power of truth, but also have a strong personality power." Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics implies the firm ideals and beliefs of the Chinese communists. Strong responsibility, deep development vision, and rigorous pragmatism, focus on the noble spirit and high value pursuit of a new generation of outstanding Chinese Communists represented by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Second, work aspects

Firmly believe in ideals and beliefs. A clear political standpoint, a firm ideal and conviction, are the unique political advantages of the Chinese Communist Party and a valuable political character of the Chinese Communists. In my work, I am mainly responsible for the financial work of the Mozambique branch, which is mainly divided into two parts: industry and trade and logistics. In the industry and trade work, I can timely count and check the quantity and type of industrial and trade products, record the daily product inventory and accounts receivable, and provide specific and accurate data information to the business department. In the logistics work, I can do a good job in the statistics of the truck business in time, whether it is the withdrawal of the spare cash, or the end of the business, the verification of the truck's expenses and bills and verification, to the smooth development of the business department. Good paving. In daily work, I can finish my work in a timely and efficient manner, and record the deficiencies and mistakes in my work to avoid making similar mistakes. For all kinds of work, I can do a good job in time and accurately, and do my own work in an efficient and practical manner.

Strong responsibility. Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is shining with the future and destiny of the party and the country, the happy life of the broad masses of the people, the worries and mission consciousness of the development of the Chinese nation and even the human world, shining with the party and the country. The party is serving the country, taking the mission to the heart and putting the responsibility on the shoulders. For my own career planning, I also always make reasonable arrangements in a clear direction. Since joining the company, I have reflected and corrected the shortcomings in my work, and actively learned from my excellent colleagues. First of all, implement the business of the business department, detail and systematic processing, and provide real and accurate data information for domestic financial accounting. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the understanding and mastery of the accounting fees of local offices, and to have further control and risk awareness on how to pay taxes properly. Finally, strive to achieve better work results in the next year's own jobs, and strive for promotion space.

Third, learning

A deep development vision. Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is good at summing up historical experience, good at drawing on historical wisdom, and good at grasping the law in history. In learning, I am good at using my spare time to constantly enrich my professional quality and ability. In terms of grasping financial related knowledge, I have benefited from the guidance and help of company leaders. I mainly improve myself through the following three aspects: First, general knowledge, mainly including the relevant foundation and development requirements of the accounting industry, including Reading of books such as Accounting Standards and Explanations, Accounting Guides, and related accounting information. Secondly, corporate practice focuses on concepts and connections related to standards and realities, processes and rules, as well as the grasp of detailed content. Finally, management communication, not only do internal accounting, but also develop the thinking of logical kanban management, and lay down the basic work for the subsequent business development.

In addition to improving my work and professional ability, I also actively urged myself to further study and further study. First of all, the accounting title examination: reasonable arrangements for free time, learn the relevant knowledge of accounting profession, and constantly enrich their professional ability. Second, language ability: learning in the local language, further develop communication skills for the work. Finally, management ability: constantly cultivate their own management and organizational skills for their own work arrangements and colleagues.

Fourth, life aspects

Rigorous pragmatism. Speaking conscientiously, seeking rigorousness, stressing practical results, and emphasizing reality, runs through Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In daily life, I have always strictly adhered to the standards of a party member, respecting leadership, uniting colleagues, correctly handling the relationship with superiors and colleagues, strictly abiding by the company's rules and regulations, doing things according to requirements, being kind to others, helping colleagues to do something. What you can do. On weekdays, I am actively moving forward, constantly learning and enriching myself, and consolidating and updating my professional knowledge in a timely manner. As a financial officer, I can also communicate with colleagues in various departments in a timely manner, from business communication to mutual help and mutual help, and can get along with colleagues.

The above is the basic situation of my preparatory period in this year. If it is not appropriate, I urge the organization to criticize and correct. As a probationary member, I sincerely hope that I will become an official member of the Chinese Communist Party as soon as possible and ask the party organization to consider my application. I will be open-minded to accept the review and test of the organization. If I can successfully convert to a full member of the Chinese Communist Party, this will be an important milestone in my life. I will use this as a new starting point for the advancement of the party, using the standards of party members to more stringently demand themselves, practice their own vows to join the party, and make themselves worthy of the glorious title of Communist Party members.
